Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Young at Heart.

I love anything made with children in mind, especially books devoted to raising well-mannered, stylish children who love the City and beautiful living. This is probably why I am so drawn to Eloise at the Plaza. The 3 books I have shown here encompass a great wealth of knowledge for adults and children alike. The first, This Little Piggy Went to Prada, is a great learning tool for any label lover and her daughter to go through at bedtime. The illustrations are beautiful and the references I assure you could not be found in any other children's book. The second, a new favorite of mine, was written by a young man who "wanted to get some things straight before he was old and uncool". So, he started a blog aiming to remember all the things he wanted to teach his future son. The blog was then discovered by publishers and was converted into the book Rules For My Unborn Son. His advice ranges from "Enough already. Learn the rules of cricket," to quotes from Noel Coward like “Wit ought to be a glorious treat like caviar; never spread it about like marmalade." And lastly, number 3, or should i say sixx. The creators of Sixx Design, Bob and Cortney Novogratz moved their family to Manhattan several years back to pursue their love of interior design. Since then, they have had not six but seven children and have several homes that they live in throughout the year. Each house is extremely modern and kid friendly, reinventing what it means to make a home homey and how settling down doesn't mean losing your style.* Listen to the kid in you and read through these books and think of a few rules of your own that you want to instill in your children.

This lovely book spins nursery rhymes like Row Row into
"Front row for the show
With the Harpers Team.
Head to toe in Moschino,
Mummy looks a dream."

Witty words of wisdom from one gentleman to his son

The Novogratz display how to design with kids in mind
in their book "Downtown Chic"
*The Novogratz are scheduled to have a reality television show premiere on Bravo called 9 by Design coming April 13, keep a look out!

Sources 1, 2, 3, 4

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