This is my new random thought series. Many of you know I have lots of these so it just makes sense to let them out into the void.
Do any of you ever think about how you came to like the things that you do? Well I just did and I realized most all of my favorite things in life I have encountered completely by chance. These favorite things range from the small favorites shown to me by close friends to the big things shown by those I have never met. If it weren't for these people and instances, I wouldn't know all that I was missing! So here are my mini thank you notes. Enjoy xx.
-To Lauren- Thank you for telling me in ninth grade that dark chocolate was better than milk chocolate. It is.
-To JD- I have still yet to meet you Sir, but thank you for showing me and telling me that menswear is interesting. You were right. Subtlety in appearance is much more fascinating than flamboyance. You are wise beyond your years.
-To the librarian at my little private school- Thank you for not having a copy of the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe available. I chose to read Peter Pan instead for my Literature project. Now it is my very favorite book.
-To Katherine (a friend of a friend with a photography site I saw three and a half years ago)- If it were not for you, I may have never listened to Concerning the UFO Sighting Near Highland, Illinois by Sufjan Stevens. It was the first song that got me hooked on alternative music and it changed my ideas about music completely.
-To the sweet exchange student in Cortona that told my sister to watch Amélie and Diving Bell and the Butterfly- Thank you. We did. We loved them.
Can you think back to any little things you have come to love because you learned about them in passing? Give it a thought and send out those thank yous. The recipients will be refreshingly surprised by your acknowledgement of their impact.
that is a classical pose and i love that card