Naturally, I love all of the brown tones Mr. Anderson uses in his movies. He possesses a brilliant understanding of minimalism, but I also love his taste in clothing. Anderson seems to love a good velvet suit and he has no problem wearing it during the day, can make acorduroy suit look sleek and modern, and is a fan of the green suit which he pulls off rather elegantly. There is also a certain humor to the dressing of his characters, like with Jason Schwartzman in Rushmore. All in all, he has an excellent sense of characterization, making each character in his movie memorable and letting that carry over into his own style choices. Here are some shots from his movie the Royal Tenenbaums.
*Also here is a link my friend told me about. This man did his master's film thesis on Wes' technique and it's rawther fascinating. Watch the videos that go along with each part and you will learn, learn, learn so much.
I enjoy reading your blog and am glad to have come across it- take care!